文心快码 - Baidu Comate(智能代码助手)是基于文心大模型,结合百度积累多年的编程现场大数据和外部优秀开源数据,打造的新一代编码辅助工具。拥有代码智能、场景丰富、创造价值、广泛应用等多重产品优势,可实现“帮你想、帮你写、帮你改”的场景应用形态。提升编码效率,释放“十倍”软件生产力。

Based on the ERNIE model, combined with Baidu's accumulated years of on-site big data for programming and excellent external open-source data, it aims to generate the high-quality codes which are more in line with the actual research and development scenarios for you, improving your coding efficiency and releasing “ten times” of the software productivity.

核心场景 Core Scenarios

智能推荐 Code Suggestions

基于百度厂内优质编程现场大数据以及大量优秀的开源数据进行训练,文心快码 (Baidu Comate) 可以通过分析当前代码的上下文语义环境,快速推理出下一行或下一段可能的代码内容,采纳方式高效便捷,从而减少您的实际输入,提高研发效率。

Based on high-quality programming data from Baidu's internal coding scenes and a vast amount of excellent open-source data, Baidu Comate can quickly infer possible content for the next line or paragraph of code by analyzing the contextual semantic environment of the current code. Its adoption method is efficient and convenient, reducing your actual input and improving development efficiency.

智能生成 Code Generations

文心快码 (Baidu Comate) 支持注释生成代码、增强生成代码、生成单元测试、代码生成doc注释、代码解释、生成行间注释、长函数拆分等多种强大的智能生成功能,旨在全面满足多样化的研发场景需求,全方位提高研发效率。

Baidu Comate supports a variety of powerful intelligent code generation functions, including Comments to code, enhanced code generation, unit test generation, code documentation comment generation, code interpretation, inter-line comment generation, and long function splitting. It aims to comprehensively meet diverse development scene requirements and enhance development efficiency.

智能问答 AI Chat

依托文心大模型,文心快码 (Baidu Comate) 提供多轮对话智能问答功能,拒绝跳转和打扰,直接在 IDE 中解决您的研发问题,打造沉浸式的高效编码体验。

Based on the ERNIE model, Baidu Comate provides Multi round dialogue intelligent Q&A Chat, refusing to redirect and disturb, directly solving your development problems in the IDE, creating an immersive and efficient coding experience.

产品优势 Our Advantage

  • 精准且高效的代码智能推荐:文心快码 (Baidu Comate) 的核心竞争力,百度内部80%+工程师都在使用,整体采纳率达到46%+,高活采纳率达到64%+,每提交100行代码,就有27行由 Baidu Comate 生成。
  • 强大的智能生成和问答,研发场景全方位覆盖:文心快码 (Baidu Comate) 不仅提供覆盖全方位研发场景的众多智能生成功能,同时还支持在IDE中进行问答,拒绝中断和打扰,打造沉浸式的高效编码体验。
  • 支持全平台、主流 IDE 和众多编程语言:文心快码 (Baidu Comate)支持 Windows、macOS 操作系统、Visual Studio Code、JetBrains、Xcode 和 Visual Studio 多款主流 IDE 以及100+种众多编程语言。
  • 提供数据可视化功能:文心快码 (Baidu Comate) 提供详尽的数据分析功能,包括采纳率、采纳量趋势、采纳量按功能或语言分布等等,全方位可视化提效成果,助力个人与企业的提效与复盘。
  • 支持私有化部署:文心快码 (Baidu Comate) 提供私有化部署服务以及详尽的技术支持,让您享受高效编码的同时无后顾之忧,全力保障公司信息安全。
  • 高安全性:文心快码 (Baidu Comate) 的所有数据不离境,风险可控;本地输出拦截,确保敏感数据不传输;把控输出内容,确保用户可见内容安全。
  • Accurate and efficient code suggestion: The core competitiveness of Baidu Comate is that over 80% of Baidu's internal engineers are using it, with an overall adoption rate of over 46% and a high activity user with adoption rate of over 64%. For every 100 lines of code submitted, 27 lines are generated by Baidu Comate.
  • Powerful intelligent generation and chat, covering all aspects of research and development scenarios: Baidu Comate not only provides numerous intelligent generation functions that cover all aspects of research and development scenarios, but also supports chat in the IDE, refusing to redirect and disturb, and creating an immersive and efficient coding experience.
  • Supports multiple platform, mainstream IDEs, and numerous programming languages: Baidu Comate supports the three major operating systems of Windows, macOS, as well as multiple mainstream IDEs such as Visual Studio Code, JetBrains IDEs,Xcode and Visual Studio, as well as over 100+ programming languages.
  • Provide data visualization function: Baidu Comate provides detailed data analysis functions, including adoption rate, adoption trend, adoption distribution by function or language, etc., to comprehensively visualize efficiency improvement results and assist individuals and enterprises in efficiency improvement and review.
  • Support self hosting deployment: Baidu Comate provides self hosting deployment services and detailed technical support, allowing you to enjoy efficient coding without worries and fully guarantee company information security.
  • ** High security: All data of Baidu Comate does not leave the country, and the risk is controllable; Local output interception to ensure sensitive data is not transmitted; Control the output content to ensure the security of visible content for users.

支持的编程语言 Language

当前 Baidu Comate 支持的语言/框架如下:

Baidu Comate support following languages:

  • 后端(BackEnd): C、C++、Java、Python、Go、PHP、Rust
  • 前端(FrontEnd): HTML、JavaScript、CSS、Less、swan、San、Vue、Scss、Sass、Stylus、pug、mermaid
  • App端(APP): ObjectC、Kotlin、Swift
  • 其它(Others): Perl、Ruby、Shell、vhdl、GraphQL、Dockerfile

支持的 IDE

  • JetBrains IDEs

    • IDE 类型(IDE type):IntelliJ IDEA、PyCharm、GoLand、WebStorm、CLion、PhpStorm、Android Studio 等
    • IDE 版本(IDE version):2021.1 - 2024
  • Visual Studio Code

    • IDE 版本(IDE version):1.70 +
  • Xcode

    • macOS版本(macOS version):v14 +
  • Visual Studio

    • IDE 版本(IDE version):2022

支持的操作系统 System

Windows 8.1 + 、macOS